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Approaching to our Raizal Community

Participative Fiscal Control on Assets and Resourses of the Department
Citizen Participation is essential to exercise Fiscal Control on public entities and prívate entities that manage  public funds and  assets of the Departmental level.
What Is the General Control Office of the Archipelago?
Is the Entity that exercises fiscal control on institutions and particulars who handle or manage public money or properties that belongs to the departamental goverment, and is also vigilant to  ensures the natural resources and the environmental preservation, under the care of these entities and the money spent to carry out this commitment.
What is the Departamental Control Office Function
The Departmental Control Office, has to do with the management of money that belongs to the Archipielago. This money comes as a result of the paying of our taxes, and that is the principal reason why we do not only have right to be vigilant in the way that these money is been invested or used, but rather, is our obligation.
What is Citizen or Community Participation
Participation is the voluntary intervention of the community in matters of general interest to build collective welfare, therefore it is considered one of the types of relationships that exist within societies in public terms.
Who Can Participate?

Community participation has to do with the free will of a people or community, to take part or participate of the decisions, that they consider can affect them (us)‏.

{phocadownload view=file|id=638|text=Citizen Participation Brochure|target=s}
{phocadownload view=file|id=1741|text=PETITIONS, COMPLAINTS AND CLAIMS FORM (PCC)|target=s}



Union Dental
Conmutador: (578) 512 5190 - 512 0189
Fax: (578) 5122465

Dirección: Carpenter Yard, Edificio OCCRE Piso 3, San Andrés Isla, Colombia

Horario de atencion: Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m y 2:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m.

Correo Electrónico de Contacto:
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  • Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales
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  • Política Editorial
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